Faculty 2018
Confirmed speakers for the symposium FORM-FUNKTION-ÄSTHETIK.BERLIN 2018:
Prof. Dr. med. Hans Behrbohm
Director of the Department of ENT, Park-Klinik Weißensee.
Berlin, Germany
He has been head of the Berlin Nose and Nasal Cavity Surgery courses for 25 years. A special focus is the surgery of the nose under functional and aesthetic aspects. He is editor of several textbooks.
- 1973 – 1979 – Medical studies at the Humboldt University Berlin
- 1980 – Dissertation
- 1981 – Humboldt Prize of the Humboldt University Berlin
- 1982 – 1985 – Specialist training at the University ENT Clinic of the Charité
- 1990 – Habilitation, Senior Physician Charité
- 1992 – Facultas docendi
- 1994 – Senior Consultant ENT / Plastic Surgery Park-Klinik Weißensee, academic teaching hospital of the Charité
- 1997 – APL professorship at the Humboldt University, Charité
- 1997 – 2016 Editor and author concludes textbooks:
- Endoskopische Diagnostik und Therapie in der HNO, Gustav Fischer, 1997
- Essentials of Septorhinoplasty, Thieme: Stuttgart, New York, 2003
- Kurzlehrbuch HNO, Thieme: Stuttgart, 2009
- ENT diseases, Head &. Neck surgery, Thieme: Stuttgart, New York, 2010
- The Nose – Revision &. Reconstruction, Thieme: Stuttgart, NY, Delhi,2016
- Essentials of Septorhinoplasty, second edition, Thieme, Stuttgart, New York, Delhi
- 1997 -2017 – Over 25 newly developed and patented surgical instruments
- 2007, 2009 – Development of surgical procedures: KIM-Technik / Biostatic surgery of the ethmoid bone
- 1994 -2005 – Hospitals & study visits
- House Ear Institute, USA, 1996
- University of Illinois,USA, Department of Facial Plastic Surgery, M.E.Tardy Jr. 1999 , 2001
- University of Amsterdam, ENT Department, The Netherlands ,G. Nolst-Trenitè, 2003
- Manhattan Eye, Ear, Throat Hospital, USA, 2003
- since 7/2016 – Medical Director Park-Klinik Weißensee
Prizes and awards:
- 1981 – Humboldt Prize of the Humboldt University Berlin
- 2004 – First Prize of the British Medical Association
- 2010 – Gold Medal of the All India Rhinologic Society
- 2016 – Honory Insigna of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences
- 08.45 – 10.00 Session Function and Aesthetics
- Functional issues which Non-ENT surgeons should understand
- 11.15 – 12-00 Session Nasal Dorsum
- Chirurgie der Nasenpyramide und des Nasenrückens – eigene Innovationen
Charles East, MB, FRCS
ENT Surgery, Facial plastic Surgery.
London, UK
Mr Charles East is a Consultant Surgeon specializing in Nasal and Facial Plastic Surgery, Endoscopic minimally invasive sinus and skull base surgery.
He graduated from the University of London, Charing Cross Hospital Medical School in 1980. He was awarded the Hallett Prize by the Royal College of Surgeons of England and continued his training in ENT at Oxford, University College Hospital and the Middlesex Hospital. He was a senior clinical and research Fellow in the University of Washington Seattle for 12 months studying Facial Plastic surgery- a discipline he leads in the UK.
Charles is the lead clinician for the Rhinoplasty service at the Royal National Throat Nose and Ear Hospital, and is part of the craniofacial surgery team at University College Hospital Foundation Trust. He works in a multidisciplinary environment treating a broad range of facial, nasal and eye related disorders.
Academically he holds an Honorary Senior lecturer post at University College London and is the course director for the Plastic Surgery of the Nose and Techniques in Facial Plastic Surgery-courses that attract an international audience. Charles is the UK Vice-President of the European Academy of Facial Plastic Surgery, and regularly lectures at national and international meetings. He has been a faculty member at the Royal College of Surgeons for minimally invasive sinus surgery courses. He is the current Chairman of Facial Plastic Surgery UK, a committee at the Royal College, and is a specialty adviser to NICE. Charles has written chapters in the British national textbook Scott – Brown’s Otolaryngology – Head and Neck Surgery and is co-author of the extremely successful textbook, Ear Nose and Throat – Head and Neck Surgery. He has published regularly in his field of expertise and maintains clinical contacts in many countries. He is a member of ENT UK and BAAPS (British Association of Aesthetic Plastic Surgeons)
Webseite: www.rhinoplastylondon.com
- 08.45 – 10.00 Session Function und Aesthetics
- Contemporary septal surgery in Rhinoplasty
- Understanding the nasal valves
- 11.15 – 12.00 Session Nasal Dorsum
- My experience with the push down / push over
- 14.25 – 15.25 Session Nasal Tip
- The steps to create an aesthetic tip
- Modern treatment of the deviated nose
Dr. med. Jacqueline Eichhorn-Sens
Specialist in Plastic and Aesthetic Surgery. Main focus: Rhinoplasty
Berlin, Germany
Since 2006, Dr. Eichhorn-Sens focused on the functional surgery of the nose at first under the direction of Prof. H. Behrbohm in the Department of Oto-Rhino-Laryngology in Berlin‐Weissensee. Since 2007, Dr. Eichhorn-Sens was trained in functional-aesthetic and reconstructive surgery of the nose and face by Professor Wolfgang Gubisch at the prestigious Department of Plastic Surgery at Marienhospital in Stuttgart.
Since 2008, she was a senior physician in the team of Professor Wolfgang Gubisch. Dr. Eichhorn‐Sens established her own private practice in Berlin. She focuses her professional and scientific activities on the functional and aesthetic surgery of the nose. She is author of numerous scientific articles and book chapters on the topic of aesthetic and functional nasal surgery.
Dr. Eichhorn-Sens has organized the symposium FORM-FUNKTION-ÄSTHETIK.BERLIN as an scientific interdisciplinary exchange on current topics of Functional and Aesthetic Surgery of the Nose and the Face in 2014 for the first time. She organized the symposium this year for the third time in a row.
Webseite: www.dr-eichhorn-sens.de
- 08.05 – 08.45 INTERAKTIVE VIDEO: Primary Rhinoplasty – Step by step
- 14.25 – 15.05 Session Nasal Tip
- Articulated Rim grafts – Wie und Wann
Dr. Helmut Fischer
Specialist in Plastic and Aesthetic Surgery.
Stuttgart, Germany
Dr. Helmut Fischer- 09.04.1952 – Born in Sindelfingen, South Germany
- 1971-1978 – Study of medicine in Tuebingen and Goettingen
- 1978-1979 – Practical year (internal medicine, surgery, orthopedic surgery
- 7/1979-9/1980 – Military service as a doctor
- 1981 – One year residency in anestesiology
- 1982-1987 – Residency in general surgery, hand surgery, traumatology.
- 1988-1991 – Plastic surgery residency, Marienhospital Stuttgart
- 1991 – Graduation in Plastic surgery, working in all fields of Plastic surgery as senior house officer (‘Oberarzt’ in German, equals ‘consultant’)
- 2002 – Foundation of the department of Facial plastic surgery, head: Prof. Wolfgang Gubisch
Until today Focus: rhinosurgery and nasal reconstruction, Reconstructive and aesthetic surgery of eyelids, periorbita, ears, lips, face, forehead and brows.
Publication as guest editor
- Thieme Medical Publishers, journal Facial Plastic Surgery, issue No. 3, 2014: Nasal reconstruction. Contribution of chapters to scientific books: functional-aesthetic rhinoplasty, Nose Reconstruction, last: 2017, in: Grupp, Rennekampff, Pallua, ‘Plastische Chirurgie’ Ecomed Verlag.
- Nose Reconstruction in Children, in: Goette, Paediatrische HNO-Heilkunde, second edition, Elsevier Verlag.
- Organisation of and main contributions in the “First international Stuttgart Symposium on Nose Reconstruction” March 2015 and the “Second international Stuttgart Symposium on Nose Reconstruction” April 2017
My dedication
Training of the collegues in our Facial Plastic Surgery Department at Marienhospital Stuttgart, as well as guest doctors and fellows. Married with Ulrike, 3 children, twins 34 years and a daughter 31 years old. 2 grandchildren
- 16.30 – 16.50 Rhinoseptumplastik bei Lippen-Kiefer-Gaumenspalten
- 19.00 – 19.45 MASTERCLASS: Totale Nsenrekonstruktion – Aktuelle Techniken
Dr.med.Olivier Gerbault
Specialist in Plastic Surgery.
Paris, France
Olivier Gerbault is a board certified plastic surgeon in a solo private practice in Paris, France since 2000. He’s specialized in rhinoplasty and facial rejuvenation.
He wrote articles in scientific journals and books on rhinoplasty, especially on innovative techniques in rhinoplasty.
He has developed in 2013 a new instrumentation to ease and control bone surgery in rhinoplasty, and won a distinction in USA for this work on piezo surgery applied to rhinoplasty. The ultrasonic rhinoplasty and septoplasty has spread since then all over the world. He has also developped with Dr Kovacevic and a group of colleagues the full open approach in rhinoplasty, and has expanded the knowledge and treatment of the bony vault & the keystone area. He has begun to work on nose ligaments to treat aesthetic and functional issues in rhinoplasty.
Olivier Gerbault is a board member of the Rhinoplasty Society and the Rhinoplasty Society of Europe, but also an active member of the EAFPS, ASAPS, ISAPS, and of the two French societies of plastic and aesthetic surgery.
- 08.45 – 10.00 Session Function und Aesthetics
- Pyriform ligaments in RP: A forgotten structure to solve aesthetic and functional issues
- Ultrasonic septoplasty: how does it change septal work in rhinoplasty
- 13.45 – 14.25 Session Innovations
- Ultrasonic rhinoplasty: present and future
Prof. Dr. med. Wolfgang Gubisch
Professor Gubisch is double-boarded qualified as Plastic Surgeon as well as ENT-Surgeon.
Stuttgart, Germany
After his medical studies Wolfgang Gubisch started plastic surgery in 1974 at the Marienhospital Stuttgart. From 1976 to 1978 he was resident in ENT at the University Clinic in Tübingen and then he proceeded his training in plastic surgery in Stuttgart. He is double-boarded qualified as plastic surgeon as well as ENT surgeon.
Since 1988 he has been Head of the Clinic of Plastic Surgery, which is the oldest and one of the largest institutions for plastic surgery in Germany. In 2001 the clinic was separated into three independent highly specialized clinics, and Prof. Gubisch became the Head of the Clinic of Facial Plastic surgery.
His main interest is focused on aesthetic, functional as well as reconstructive nasal surgery. He regularly is invited as lecturer all over the world and guides courses for aesthetic and functional rhinoplasty to demonstrate his surgical techniques. He has written more than 200 scientific publications and given more than 450 lectures all over the world, mainly about rhinoplasty topics. In 2017 he published summarizing his experience “Mastering Advanced Rhinoplasty”. 25 years he guided the International Stuttgart Course for Functional & Aesthetic Rhinoplasty. In addition he has produced several educational films.
He is member of many national and international societies as well as an honorary member of the British Association of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery, the Australian Society of Plastic Surgeons, the Association of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeons of Southern Africa and of the Armenian Association of Plastic Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgeons.
From 2010 – 2012 he was president of the German Association of Aesthetic Surgeons (VDÄPC) and Board member of the German Society of Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgeons (DGPRÄC). In 2011 Wolfgang Gubisch founded together with 7 colleagues the Rhinoplasty Society of Europe and served as president until 2016. In July 2011 he got the honorary doctor award from the University of Athens for his intensive activities in teaching facial plastic surgery. Since April 2015 Prof. Gubisch is working as Senior Director at the Clinic of Facial Plastic Surgery at the Marienhospital.
Webseite: www.professor-gubisch.de
- 10.30 – 11.15 MASTERCLASS: Primäre Rhinoplastik: Mein aktuelles Konzept
- 17.20 – 17.40 Verwendung von Rippenknorpel bei der primären und sekundären Rhinoplastik
- 17.40 – 18.45 Session Sekundary Rhinoplasty
- Komplexe Rekonstruktion nach nicht gelungener Rhinoplastik
Dr. Milos Kovacevic
ENT Surgery.
Hamburg, Germany
Dedicated exclusively to rhinoplasty. Dr. Kovacevic has developed and improved several techniques in rhinoplasty which are published ,focussed on tip sutures,alar transposition,middle vault treatment etc. Member of:
- American Academy for Facial Plastic Surgery
- European Academy for Facial Plastic Surger
- Rhinoplasty Society of Europe
- Independent Rhinoplasty Research Group
Webseite: www.dr-kovacevic.de
- 08.45 – 10.00 Session Function und Aesthetics
- Septal extension graft Modifikationen
- 11.15 -12-00 Session Nasal Dorsum
- Rekonstruktion der mittleren Klappe oder Dorsumerhalt nach Höckerentfernung?
- 13.45 – 14.25 Session Innovations
- Knorpeltransplantate, PRF und Nanofett in der Rhinoplastik
- 14.25 – 15.05 Session Nasal Tip
- Nasenspitzennaht und Nasenspitzenform
- Alare Malposition und Transposition
Dr. Enrico Robotti
Specialist in Plastic and Aesthetic Surgery.
Bergamo, Italy
Following Board qualifications in General Surgery and in Plastic Surgery, Military Service as Surgical Officer in the Navy and three subsequent years of training in the United States, Enrico Robotti became Chief of the Department of Plastic Surgery of the “Ospedali Riuniti” (now Papa Giovanni XXIII) in Bergamo, Italy since 1997. With over 9000 cases to present date, he has been active in general reconstructive plastic surgery, with emphasis on flap reconstruction in the head & neck, extremities, and trunk, including microsurgery.
In private practice, he is actively involved with a vast scope of cosmetic surgery, with predominant focus on rhinoseptoplasty. The latter subspecialty has especially grown in recent years, with a special interest in complex secondary and tertiary cases. Dr Robotti has authored or co-authored over 500 papers and presentations, and has been chairman, moderator, panelist or invited speaker at a large number of national and international meetings. He has organized 18 live-surgery courses in plastic surgery hosting renowned international surgeons at the “Ospedali Riuniti”.
He has founded and directed the “First Bergamo Open Rhinoplasty Course” in Bergamo in 2008, an international biennial intensive course specifically devoted to open rhinoplasty. Subsequent expanded editions of the course followed in 2010, 2012, 2014 and 2016, with a wide participation of attendees from many different countries, thus establishing the “Bergamo Open Rhinoplasty Course” as one of the foremost rhinoplasty symposia in the world. Since January 2015 he also runs the “ Bergamo Advanced Minifellowship in Revision Rhinoseptoplasty”, a “hands on” course for a limited number of international surgeons with an interest in this field. Dr Robotti is Associate Professor in Plastic Surgery at the University of Torino and Milano, as well as member of diverse plastic surgical societies such as SICPRE, ASPS, ISAPS, ESPRAS and EASAPS.
He sat for six years in the advisory board of SICPRE (Italian Society of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery). He was elected President of the Italian Society of Plastic Surgery for the year 2012-2013 and chaired the National meeting of the Society in 2014. Dr Robotti is a member of the Education Council of ISAPS (International Society of Aesthetic Surgery) and is an ISAPS International Visiting Professor since 2013. He is Reviewer for the journal “Aesthetic Plastic Surgery” regarding the topic “Rhinoseptoplasty”. He is founding member and current President-Elect of the “The Rhinoplasty Society of Europe”, established in Stuttgart in 2011 and European counterpart to the American “ Rhinoplasty Society”. Dr Robotti also teaches at the Post Graduate Masters in Aesthetic Surgery of the Universities of Milan and Padova, on the topic of “Open Rhinoplasty”.
- 08.45 – 10.00 Session Function und Aesthetics
- Cone Beam CT Scan: a true asset to rhinoplasty
- 12.00 – 12.45 MASTERCLASS: Part I _What I really changed in the last 5 Years: Current concepts in surgery of the dorsum and personal logic
- 15.25 – 15.45 Part II_What I really changed in the last 5 years: Current concepts in surgery of the tip and personal logic
- 16.50 – 17.05 Rhinoplasty in the redundant/thick skin sleeve
- 17.40 – 18.45 Session Sekundary Rhinoplasty
- The „designed“ DCF graft, its variations and the SPF-SPLF current evolution
- Treating the Retracted Ala
- 08.45 – 10.00 Session Function und Aesthetics
- 08.45 – 10.00 Session Function und Aesthetics
- 08.45 – 10.00 Session Function und Aesthetics